Multicultural jurisdiction in the liberal state: A critical Assesment

  • Jean L. Cohen Columbia University, New York. Estados Unidos
Keywords: Gender equality, religious minorities, multiculturalism, legal pluralism, constitutionalism, personal and family law


This paper defends a critical view about the so called “new legal pluralism”. It begins byplacing this concept in an historical perspective, and then analyzing feminist arguments forthe “transformative accommodation” of religious diversity in the form of status based legalpluralism. The author’s contribution is not only the assessing of the flaws in the legal pluralistsolution, but also the offering of a different model of transformative accommodation that restson a mix of legal approaches to the problems faced by religious women in a constitutional democracy.


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How to Cite
Cohen, J. L. (2014). Multicultural jurisdiction in the liberal state: A critical Assesment . EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (1), 35-58. Retrieved from