What is (and what is not) open government? A conceptual review

  • César Nicandro Cruz-Rubio Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset, Madrid
Keywords: open government, e-government, e-governance


This paper aims to move towards a conceptual definition and clarification of “open government”. The paper is based on a review of existing previous efforts and a review of literature, related with how to understand open government as a mode of government action or as a governance model. This effort also clarifies what is open government from what is not open government, opposing and contrasting this concept in relation to similar such as e-government or e-governance.


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How to Cite
Cruz-Rubio, C. N. (2015). What is (and what is not) open government? A conceptual review . EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (8), 37-53. Retrieved from https://e-revistas.uc3m.es/index.php/EUNOM/article/view/2475