University teaching staff and abusive use of fixed-term contracts

  • Ignasi Beltrán de Heredia Ruiz Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
Keywords: University teaching staff, Directive 1999/70, abusive use of fixed-term contracts


 Analysis of the STS 1 June 2017 (rec. 2890/2015), which, in the light of the doctrines Pérez López and Márquez Samohano of the EU Court, states that a succession of teaching contracts at the University of Barcelona should be described as abusive because it was not linked to the objectives of the fixed term contract used and were used to attend to the University's teaching permanent needs. The study concludes that this doctrine can force a redefinition of the existing management of university teaching staff.


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How to Cite
Beltrán de Heredia Ruiz, I. (2017). University teaching staff and abusive use of fixed-term contracts. EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (13), 148-158.
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