Grace and justice

the place of public utility (transitional justice and situations of necessity)

  • Alfonso Ruiz Miguel Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: Grace (Mercy), clemency, justice, public utility, transitional and restorative justice, situations of neccesity, amnesties general and particular pardons


Abstract: This text, which is part of a wider study about grace, analyses the relationship between legal mercy and public utility. After distinguishing between reasons of clemency or compassion, justice and utility, the essay examines separately, firstly, the two basic criteria that are able to justify legal mercy: circumstances of restorative justice and situations of necessity; and, secondly, the proceedings and authorities suitable for that mercy (amnesties and either general or particular pardons).


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How to Cite
Ruiz Miguel, A. (2018). Grace and justice: the place of public utility (transitional justice and situations of necessity). EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (15), 26-45.