Constitutional interpretation as a special case of legal interpretation

Keywords: Legal interpretation, legal reasoning, constitutional interpretation, the special character of constitutional norms


Legal interpretation and constitutional interpretation are two of the most widely written and researched topics in the realm of legal theory and legal methodology in recent years. However, the question remains as to what kind of relationship exists between these two subjects. Is the interpretation of constitutional norms indistinguishable from the interpretation of infraconstitutional norms? Are the methods of application for legal norms the same as those to be employed for applying constitutional norms? While some theories equate the interpretation of constitutional norms with the interpretation of legal norms, other theories propose to develop a separate interpretation methodology for constitutional norms. The importance of addressing the relationship between legal interpretation and constitutional interpretation lies in the fact that, if constitutional interpretation differs - to some extent - from legal interpretation in general, then it will be possible to argue that the traditional methodology based on canons of interpretation and subsumption is insufficient for interpreting the constitution.
This article seeks to make a case for the singularity of constitutional interpretation, but without implying its complete detachment from the general theory of legal interpretation.


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How to Cite
Portocarrero Quispe , J. A. (2023). Constitutional interpretation as a special case of legal interpretation. EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (24), 15-34.