Epistemic injustice

Keywords: epistemic injustice, testimonial injustice, hermeneutical injustice, testimony, knowledge, recognition, agency, discrimination


Miranda Fricker’s conceptualization of epistemic injustice in 2007 has promoted the discussion about this kind of problematic in areas such as political epistemology and social philosophy. In spite of the proliferation of theoretical studies concerning the diverse types of epistemic injustice, it seems that this construction has not had an impact in the iusphilosophical area. This paper aims to offer a conceptual map of the theory of epistemic injustice, fundamentally through the study of Fricker’s work and with the help of the secondary literature elaborated as a result of its publication. In this way, it will attempt to bring this theoretical construction closer to the field of Law, pointing out the aspects in which it can be useful, while posing some possible unknowns about it.


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How to Cite
Santamaría, D. L. (2023). Epistemic injustice. EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (24), 274-299. https://doi.org/10.20318/eunomia.2023.7667
Voices on Lawfulness