Corruption and institution in medieval times. The ecclesiastical persecution of disobedience

Keywords: Medieval corruption, heresy, medieval church, medieval inquisition, political philosophy, philosophy of law, genealogy of the present


This article traces some possible medieval matrices of institutional corruption, taking into account the epochal rupture between medieval and contemporary times. To this end, a brief reflection on the specificity of the two main forms of domination and social organization of medieval times, the dominium and the ecclesia, is initially presented. Subsequently, the article focuses on the analysis of forms of corruption identified and pursued by the Roman Church between the 11th and 13th centuries. It examines, on the one hand, clerical corruption in the forms of simony and nicolaism and, on the other hand, lay heresy. The aim is to show how the ecclesiastical persecution of corruption is linked to the absolutist drift of the Roman Church in this period.


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How to Cite
Catalina Gallego, C. (2024). Corruption and institution in medieval times. The ecclesiastical persecution of disobedience. EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (26), 229-252.
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