Gustavo Zagrebelsky, La justicia como profesión

Keywords: Justice, symbols, judge, lawyer, teacher


Gustavo Zagrebelsky develops a study on the legal culture of society in La Justicia como profesión. And to do this, it analyzes the complexity of the law from a double perspective. On the one hand, from a popular perspective, lacking legal training, which observes the world of justice as something intricate, mysterious, loaded with symbology and baroque language. And on the other hand, the perspective of jurists, professionals dedicated to a complex field such as the legal field, is prone to doubt and uncertainty. For the former, the Italian professor offers a guide to historical, philosophical and symbolic explanations aimed at popular understanding of the legal field. For the latter, a series of foundations and experiences that will help the jurist address the conflicts inherent to his profession.


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How to Cite
Babi Ruiz, F. (2024). Gustavo Zagrebelsky, La justicia como profesión. EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (27), 400-418.
Reading Corner. The Reed Tribe

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