Beyond victimization. Resistances, creations and questionings

  • Ana Valero Rey Universidad de Cádiz
Keywords: gender identity, ethnic identity, violence, resistance, own discourses


This article builds on my doctoral research which analyzed reformulations of identity of displaced indigenous women in the context of armed conflict in Colombia. The objective is to show how the condition of victims bring about resistance strategies, creations and questions. Focusing on the case of displaced indigenous women, I show how identities of gender, ethnicity and displacement are based on infringement of their rights. Furthermore, indigenous women, as active subjects, reformulate their identities after going through situations of rupture. They position themselves as agents of change, generating new discourses and practices. Through these realities we advise the networks and mobilizations that indigenous women are carrying out, as well as reflections and questions which they make, both from the perspectives of activism and theory.


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How to Cite
Valero Rey, A. (2017). Beyond victimization. Resistances, creations and questionings. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 2(1), 81-98.