The aesthetics of the political game within the framework of the South American Femocracy during the first government of Dilma Rousseff (2011-2014)

  • Fernanda Pattaro Amaral Red-HILA (Red Iberoamericana de Ciencias Sociales con enfoque de género)
  • Ana Cláudia Delfini Capistrano de Oliveira Universidade do Vale do Itajaí
Keywords: femocracy, democracy, gender, Brazil, Dilma Rousseff


This article aims to make a primary reflection about Femocracy in Brazilian government by its Head of State: Dilma Rousseff in her first government (2011-2014). The concept of Femocracy is a fairly contemporary concept and little discussed, especially in recent governments led by women. In addition, it is also possible in the light of the concept of Femocracy take some prejudices aimed at women because they are women and they are working in the field of politics - predominantly male, especially in South America. We will work in this article the concept of aesthetic politics in a femocratic government to trim the issue and gain some depth theoretical discussion and practical application on a government. The methodology used will be a review of the relevant literature on political thought, feminism in Brazil intertwining these two aspects, and analyze the government referred by the Femocracy concept. The results are important in the sense that the term is relatively new and there is, therefore, a political gap on governments exercised by women interpreted in the postmodern concept of Femocracy, also we have the fact of the existence of feminist technocrats governments that demand the applicability of own terms to analyze relevant actions brought by the new reality by leading the struggle of women for public space.


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How to Cite
Pattaro Amaral, F., & Delfini Capistrano de Oliveira, A. C. (2017). The aesthetics of the political game within the framework of the South American Femocracy during the first government of Dilma Rousseff (2011-2014). FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 2(1), 99-117.