Feminisation of Poverty - Social Assistance Female Clients in Poland

  • Magdalena Pokrzywa University of Rzeszow
Keywords: poverty, feminization of poverty, social assistance, social workers, gender


Feminization of poverty is referred to as the most characteristic feature of contemporary poverty. This term applies to a greater share of women in the population at risk of poverty and the consequences of poverty for women, the difference between the poverty of women and men as well as a deeper poverty of households where a woman is the main breadwinner. Feminization of poverty in Poland can be seen in various areas of social life. On the macro scale, it is related to the situation of women in the labour market (lower employment rate, higher long-term unemployment rate, difficulties in finding employment and reintegration into the labour market) and to the area of income (lower wages and retirement benefits). On the other hand, the feminisation of poverty and social exclusion in the microscale of the family and household is related to the unequal distribution of household chores and duties on the basis of gender. Additionally, what seems to be important here is the question of money management and controlling household expenses. Women are more likely than men to be at risk of poverty because they are more frequently faced with social problems such as domestic violence, partner alcoholism, loneliness and due to their disproportionately low participation in public and political life. The paper was based on empirical research which had a qualitative (90 individual in-depth interviews with social workers) and quantitative nature (500 Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews with social workers from all of Poland).


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How to Cite
Pokrzywa, M. (2018). Feminisation of Poverty - Social Assistance Female Clients in Poland. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 3(1), 81-93. https://doi.org/10.20318/femeris.2018.4075