The workday and its impact on the reconciliation of the private, family and professional life of the workers

  • Lola Molina Liétor Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: reconciliation, continuous work day, split work day, flexible work day, Spain


The workday is one of the working conditions which can seriously affect the workers’ reconciliation of work and private life. In a country like Spain, where still many work­ers face difficulties to reconcile, it is important to analyse the different kinds of legal workdays in order to determine which of them allow a greater balance between the private, family and professional life of the workers.


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How to Cite
Molina Liétor, L. (2018). The workday and its impact on the reconciliation of the private, family and professional life of the workers. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 3(2), 37-54.