Developing Transnational Methodologies in Feminist Studies: the relationship between postcolonial feminisms and new materialist feminism

  • Valeria Morabito University of Bologna
Keywords: Postcolonial Feminism, Neo-materialism, Feminist Philosophical think­ing, New Methodological Perspectives in Gender Studies


The following article is an attempt to establish a constructive dialogue be­tween two of the leading feminist philosophical theories of our time, new materialist feminism and postcolonial feminisms. Despite the fact that new materialist feminism has claimed to share the same concerns of postcolonial feminisms, this paradigm in some cases has been un­appreciated among the postcolonial field, even though the two theories actually do have some common viewpoints, as I want to demonstrate. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to highlight the main standpoints of new materialist feminism, in relation with the theoretical positions of postcolonial feminism. In order to do so, I have engaged critically with Rosi Braidotti’s thought, putting it in dialogue with the critiques advanced by postcolonial feminist thinkers. After the analysis and the definition of new materialist feminism in the first section, and postcolonial feminism in the second, I then proceeded by envisaging a common ground for the two theories. The importance of this intercommunication is based on the idea that there can be no effective politics for new materialism if this theory doesn’t develop its ability to be transdisciplinar and intersectional. It also has to become capable of accounting for the dynamics of power at all levels and with different prospective, as a way to create new politics of identity and resistance. To answer to the challenges and paradoxes of our contemporary era the creation of a space for transnational actions is more effective than ever, as I want to attest.


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How to Cite
Morabito, V. (2019). Developing Transnational Methodologies in Feminist Studies: the relationship between postcolonial feminisms and new materialist feminism. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 4(1), 23-38.