The gender in the language of rural and urban families: representations in terms of care

  • Alexander Ospina García Universidad de Caldas
Keywords: family, gender, linguistic sexism, family care


The main purpose of this investigation exercise is based in evidence the gen­der’s role in the country and urban families language in terms of family care. The methodology is based in the critical perspective and the gender theories in the family studies, with herme­neutical base and qualitative emphasis using a document type research that centers its analy­sis in the field´s diaries tales which register the men and women ‘daily life’, with country and urban contextsof the coffe zone of Colombian territory. The result showed the possibility of change with trend to equity starting with the correct use of language, transforming the familiar scheme guided by the sex-gender system. The linguistic sexism contributes to the construc­tion of a gender identity determined by the socio-linguistic place which is attributed to families due to their context through familiar interactions. Also, the mothering and fathering process is re-thought from the new masculinities and feminities, creating care, grow and socialization ac­tions in a democratic way. It is concluded the necessity of new arrangements inside the family life recognizing every member who is involved in the space where the familiar relationships are generated; the gender must be considered as an grammatical accident and the care, grow and socialization actions break gender’s stereotypes, giving the chance of to be and to create family in country and urban contexts with relationships based in democracy, equity and alterity.


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How to Cite
Ospina García, A. (2019). The gender in the language of rural and urban families: representations in terms of care. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 4(1), 39-57.