Analysis of feminicide from gender perspective and the role of the Peruvian judiciary

  • Janet Tello Gilardi Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República de Perú


Abstract. This research paper analyzes the crime of femicide from a gender perspective, based on the study of judicial criteria established by the Permanent and Transitory Criminal Chambers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Peru, in order to determine its concordance with the provisions of treaties and international instruments for the protection of the fundamental rights of women and the standards determined by the Inter-American Court and the European Court of Human Rights. The research undertook included a review of national and international jurisprudence. It also considered doctrine and domestic and comparative leg­islation with other avant-garde countries that face discrimination and violence against girls, adolescents, young women, and older adult women due to gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, in order to make access to justice of this vulnerable group effective. The research meth­odology used is descriptive, since concepts and classifications of the legal institutions discussed in this paper are developed. Moreover, the problematic reality of femicide in Peru is shown and is contrasted with judicial decisions. Finally, it presents the conclusions of the researcher.

Keywords: Femicide, feminicide, gender perspective, gender discrimination and vio­lence, access to justice, vulnerable person


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How to Cite
Tello Gilardi, J. (2020). Analysis of feminicide from gender perspective and the role of the Peruvian judiciary. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 5(1), 82-106.