Film analysis Shared custody
Abstract. In this article I analyze the movie “Custodia compartida”, through it I want to explain all those problems that the film shows in a more or less subtle way, among them, how dangerous and pernicious it is to obviate the violent and aggressive character of a man who has shown being violent with his children and his wife, the dangerous thing that many times is to reject the statements of the children in situations like the one this movie shows. It seems a lie, but today we must still remember that an abuser cannot be a good father and therefore we should all be aware of how many children under his guardianship can suffer, spend time with an aggressive and unstable man who has already had bad behaviors with his children and whose attitudes and behaviors have caused them to develop a more than justified fear towards him cannot be considered a little relevant fact by those who defend the supreme interest of the child. It is very important to study each case separately and not apply the law as a block, I am sure that this is not done on most occasions but still, these types of stories make us reflect.
Keywords: Law, society, sexism, father, mother.
FEMERIS es una revista del Instituto de Estudios de Género pertenenciente a la Universidad Carlos III.
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