Displacements from feminist pedagogies: possible reflections for a situated teaching exercise
Abstract. The present article investigates and reflects on relevant aspects present in feminist pedagogies, as a way of propitiating the transformation of learning spaces, far from patriarchal hegemonic thought. These reflections emerge from the social movements of 2018 defined by the media as feminist May (in Chile. We begin to ask ourselves questions about how feminisms permeate society and pedagogy in a Latin American-Chilean context and where social, cultural and political structures are being shaken in the face of the questioning of an educational system that is not in tune with the needs of the citizenry.
In addition of above, some conceptualizations of Latin American feminist thought are taken and feminism of sexual difference to rethink educational territories. This is how this article investigates the dynamics of learning and seeks to value relevant aspects to think about schools away from discriminatory, sexist and marginalizing practices.
In this way, the ideas of experiences emerge as processes of shared living with others, the diverse contexts for thinking about meaningful pedagogies, the narratives themselves and the consideration of collaborative learning and love relationships, the latter being a constant practice in the work of the 2018 feminist mobilizations and from where these last approaches are board.
This work is an invitation to visualize new forms of learning, from the consideration of the singularity and the vital trajectories for the construction of knowledge.Downloads
FEMERIS es una revista del Instituto de Estudios de Género pertenenciente a la Universidad Carlos III.
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