The ideology of the “gender ideology”. Understanding a conservative reaction

Keywords: gender ideology, extreme right, conservative reaction, feminism, LGBTI people


For some years now, the world has seen the re-emergence of an extreme right in the West, characterized by a conservative reaction against immigration, some environmental protection policies, so-called “political correctness,” and “gender ideology.” This work aims to characterize the last of these phenomena, which can be synthesized in the rejection of the extreme right to feminism and the recognition of LGBTIQ+ people. What are the arguments behind that rejection? How are these arguments raised? In reviewing three sources that have denounced what they name gender ideology in Latin America, the author concludes that these arguments presuppose a conservative or essentialist conception of human sexuality.


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How to Cite
Verbal, V. (2022). The ideology of the “gender ideology”. Understanding a conservative reaction. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 7(1), 56-74.