Impact of the new directive on work-life balance in Spanish System

Keywords: work-life balance, equal treatment, parental leave


The new Work-Life Balance Directive includes provisions for changes in worklife balance policies to fight against women discrimination in labour market. The Directive introduces an open scope and provides a new right to carers´ leave to support relatives that need assistance for a serious medical reason. Besides, EU law promotes equal sharing of child care and flexible working arrangements. In our system, Royal Decree Law 6/2019 has introduced some of these initiatives, so the Directive is not going to have an important impact in our national legislation. However, the new rules of the Directive are only minimun requirements and they should force the revision of some measures that have a negative impact in equal treatment, as parental leave according article 46.3 of the workers´ Statute. In the same way, it is necessary to make an efford to ensure work-life balance in a complex labour market and with a very different family models.


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How to Cite
López Álvarez, M. J. (2022). Impact of the new directive on work-life balance in Spanish System. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 7(2), 64-85.

Funding data

  • Agencia Estatal de Investigación
    Grant numbers RTI2018-097917-B-100 “Retos del Derecho del Trabajo español ante la doctrina del Tribunal de Justicia en materia de política social y derechos fundamentales”