Graphic humor and gender stereotypes in social networks

Relationship with the identity construction and subjective well-being of women

  • Leidy Carolina Amezquita Bautista Universidad de Cundinamarca
  • Camila Brigitte Cárdenas Hernández Universidad de Cundinamarca
  • Juliet Carolina Castro Morales Universidad Federal de Bahía
  • Viviana Alejandra Molina Lozano Universidad de Cundinamarca
Keywords: Woman, stereotypes of gender, identity, subjective wellness and graphic humor


The present investigation of exploratory scope was carried out under the framework of social psychology and the paradigmatic and epistemological framework of critical constructionism, whose objective was understand the relationship between graphic humor on the identity and subjective well-being of women users of Facebook and Instagram from different Spanish-speaking countries. Objective was achieved by the following of a qualitative methodological design guided by netnography, content analysis and critical discourse analysis (ACD), techniques that were adjusted and designed to meet the needs of the investigation and the specific objectives of the same. Initially, it evidences that women are being represented through pieces of graphic humor published on these social networks and those are perpetuating social and gender stereotypes socially accepted. It put the woman at a disadvantage compared to the male gender, because women are representated like a sexual object, affecting their subjective well-being and identity construction. On the other hand, it evidences how the same graphic humor has been consolidated as a means of expression for them, like a discursive resistance, as a way of make a complaint by presenting counter-narratives and strengthening female sisterhood; The results allow to contribute and ratify what was stated by the majority of research in the line of gender studies, but this time from psychology.


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How to Cite
Amezquita Bautista, L. C., Cárdenas Hernández, C. B., Castro Morales, J. C., & Molina Lozano, V. A. (2022). Graphic humor and gender stereotypes in social networks: Relationship with the identity construction and subjective well-being of women. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 7(3), 62-87.