Gender and disability perspectives. An approach to academic success

  • Marcela Ramírez Morera Universidad de Costa Rica 
Keywords: Disability, Gender, Academic success, Education, Women in situation and disability, Policy


This article aims to reflect on the characteristics and stereotypes present in the perspectives of gender and disability involved in the experiences of academic success in higher education of women with disabilities, through biographical narratives and developed through four focuses of discussion. The paradigm of codification was used from the Grounded Theory, through the dialogue between theoretical perspectives. In this way, topics of interest related to autonomy, stereotypes, naturalization of disability and recognition of human rights are developed. The results indicate that gender and disability play an important role within the educational context, so it is essential to discuss the characteristics of gender and disability because it is evident the existence of stereotypes on the part of the socio-family context that surround women with disabilities. However, on a daily basis, women face such value judgments in order to achieve academic success.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Morera, M. (2023). Gender and disability perspectives. An approach to academic success. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 8(1), 47-69.