Bodies, genders and sexualities
from marginalization to the eroticization of transgender women
This work presents a discussion about the corporeality of transvestites and transsexuals, seeking to understand the course of the historical transformation of gender in different cultures, as well as showing how in some beliefs transgender people are considered divine. The research method used was the bibliographic review, and interviews with trans- vestites and transsexuals from the city of Palmas - TO. The work was carried out from May to December 2019, with testimonies about the life and confrontations of the participants. The research aims to highlight the studies of culture, gender and sexuality, describing the parti-
cipants’ personal experiences and their relationship with their trans bodies, presenting their daily experiences and difficulties, relating to their identification processes, contrasts of nonidentification with the opposite gender and the divine.
FEMERIS es una revista del Instituto de Estudios de Género pertenenciente a la Universidad Carlos III.
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