Stolen childhoods and broken dreams. The history of sexual abuse in Spain

  • Patricia Buedo Martínez
Keywords: Sexual abuse, Early detection, Social intervention, Protection, Public politics


Sexual abuse is a type of mistreatment and a public health problem that is invisible in society, with serious short –and long– term consequences for all its victims.
This article deals with the importance and need to ensure the protection of minors, as they are possible victims in situations of abuse and sexual violence, due to their situation of vulnerability due to their young age, which on many occasions causes these victims to They are not even aware of the seriousness of these practices, leading during later ages to great traumas and distortions of reality due to ignorance and helplessness of their situation during their childhood or adolescence.
Throughout the work, a review will be carried out from the origin of this type of practice in history to the present day, its incidence in today’s society will be analyzed, its different and current scenarios will be presented, to finish reflecting on the consequences of this type of behavior in the victims and their social intervention.


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How to Cite
Buedo Martínez, P. (2023). Stolen childhoods and broken dreams. The history of sexual abuse in Spain. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 8(1), 155-164.