Bodies for sale and stole lives. The exercise of prostitution in Spain

  • Patricia Buedo Martínez
Keywords: Prostitution, legislation, social control, slavery, politics publics


In recent years, the phenomenon of prostitution has increased considerably, extending its actions throughout the entire planet.
In this progress of expansion, the phenomenon of globalization has played a fundamental role in contributing to the fact that the trafficking of people who are victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation has advanced to frightening levels.
This work will try to analyze the exercise of prostitution from its origins in our country, its different manifestations: in clubs, in private apartments or rooms, in social networks as well as in the streets. The psychological consequences that these practices cause in their victims will be reflected, as well as the causes that caused this phenomenon to be perpetuated and spread in Spain with such solidity, resistance and speed, becoming a real public health problem that is totally hidden or made invisible to most of the population.


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How to Cite
Buedo Martínez, P. (2024). Bodies for sale and stole lives. The exercise of prostitution in Spain. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 9(1), 89-97.