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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
      1. The article has not been either previously published or submitted to another journal.
      2. The manuscript should be anonymized.
      3. Authorship must be removed from the text and from the document itself and it is the author’s responsibility to verify it.
      4. The manuscript follows the guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Rules for authors

Hispania Nova publishes in January once a year, whose issues contain original and unpublished articles about Contemporary history. The articles submitted to Hispania Nova should not have been published in another journal (no matter the language in which it is written) or been assessed by other journals. The manuscript should be original, with a personal approach, and can be a research or a theoretical article. As this journal is focused on general themes, the texts about local or regional issues are expected to be linked to national or international history. Manuscripts can be written in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French.

Authors must submit their text in a word document to the platform. The article must be anonymized, eliminating any personal data or reference to the author. In case of acceptance, the personal data will be included afterwards.

Style Guide

1.- Manuscripts should be between 8000 and 10.000 words in length, including footnotes, bibliography and abstract.

2.- The first page should contain the title in Spanish and in English.

3.- The text should include abstracts in English and Spanish of 100-150 words each. In addition, 5 or 6 keywords should be included in both languages.

4.- The main text should use Times New Roman in size 12 with 1,5 line spacing. No extra space between paragraphs.

5.- First level headings should be bold, capitalized, size 12 and centered. Second-level headings should be bold, lowercase, size 12 and centered. Third-level headings should be lowercase, size 12 and centered.

6.- Textual quotations should always be brief, in the body of the text, and in quotation marks. They should be indented, italicized, and single-spaced if they exceed five lines. In both cases, the reference should be included in a footnote. Quotations should be enclosed in square brackets to distinguish them from the quoted text.

7.- Use of inclusive language: the Editorial Board of Hispania Nova is committed to gender equality and respect for diversity. For this reason, please refrain from asserting superiority on gender, class, cultural, ethnic, and other grounds. Authors should be careful to use inclusive language in their writing. We suggest consulting the following documents:

8.- If images or maps are included in the manuscript, they should be inserted in the appropriate place in the text. Furthermore, the same images should be submitted in JPG, high resolution, and they must be numbered consecutively with their legend and source.  Images must be copyright free. Statistical tables should be inserted in the text, numbered consecutively with their legend and source.

9.- Footnotes to sources and references should be placed before any punctuation. They should be numbered consecutively and written in Times New Roman, size 10, single-spaced each and double-spaced between them. The accuracy of sources and references is the sole responsibility of the author(s) of the article.

10.- A bibliography of all works cited should be included at the end of the article, in alphabetical order.

11.- It is necessary to mention the sources of funding in the published articles, whether from funding agencies, research projects or any other entity that has provided funds. Authors are encouraged to reference them in the acknowledgements of the articles or in a first footnote of their texts.

12.- The reference format is that for the humanities of the 17th edition of the Chicago system. (


Printed publications:

Books: name and SURNAME Title. Edition (if not first edition), City, Publisher, Year.

Articles: name and SURNAME, "Title", name of journal, no. (year), page or pages.

Chapter in collective work: name and SURNAME (of chapter's author), "Title of chapter", name, SURNAME (of director or coordinator), Book title, Edition (if not first edition), City, Publisher, year, page or pages.

Works previously quoted: name and SURNAME, First few words of title..., op. cit., page or pages.

Immediate repetition of a quote: ibídem.

Talks, speeches, conferences and seminars: name and SURNAME, "Title", Name of conference, City, date.

Thesis: name and SURNAME Title of the thesis, Name of institution, city, year.

Articles in newspapers: name and SURNAME, "News item, feature or article headline", Name of newspaper, page, year.

Archive documents: name and SURNAME (of author or name in capital letters of institution), "Title of document", place, date. Name of series, library or collection in italic. Name of archive where it is deposited.


Digital publications:

Articles in scientific journals published on the Web; name and SURNAME, "Title", Name of journal, volume, number, year, page, web address (http://), consultation date (dd/mm/yyyy).

Documents or reports on the web: name and SURNAME, Title of the page or electronic format, web address (http://), year, consultation date (dd/mm/yyyy). If no date can be identified for the document published, use the abbreviation n.d. (no date). If the author cannot be identified, start the reference with the document's title.

Blogs: name and SURNAME Post title, date of publication, (dd/mm/yyyy). Recovery of URL address where post was published, date of consultation (dd/mm/yyyy).

Articles in digital newspapers: name and SURNAME, "Title of news item, feature or article", Name of newspaper, page, date of publication (dd/mm/yyyy), web address (http://).


Standards for bibliography references:

The "reviews" section of Hispania Nova collects critical reviews of books published during the present and previous year. The aim of this section is to promote historiography reflection and discussion, therefore all texts entirely devoted to the promotion and presentation of books and publications will be rejected.

Reviews will be limited to a minimum and maximum of 1,000 and 2,000 words respectively, and will be preceded by bibliography information encompassing the data included in the following example:

Claudio HERNÁNDEZ BURGOS, Granada azul. La construcción de la “Cultura de la Victoria” en el primer franquismo, Granada, Comares, 2011, 341 pages, by Ángel Alcalde Fernández (Instituto Universitario Europeo)

The author of the review must indicate his/her work centre and e-mail address. Review content must include the following items:

-           A summary of the book's topic, mentioning the main contributions and approach used. We also recommend mentioning the sources used in the research;

-           Context of the work analysed in a broader historiography discussion, establishing comparisons with other research on similar topics or with similar approaches;

-           Critical review of the work in order to establish the contributions of the work reviewed but also potential gaps or new questions raised by the discussion. No review without critical assessment will be published.

Once reviewed and assessed, reviews will be returned to the authors so that they can implement the improvements suggested.







Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses mentioned in this journal will be used exclusively for research purposes or to contact the authors.