El Zurriago Social (1902-1904): a weekly newspaper between traditionalism and the Catholic Church’s social doctrine

Keywords: El Zurriago Social, catholic press, Spanish Restoration, Asturian right-wing, social catholicism, Maximiliano Arboleya


In 1902 began the publishing of El Zurriago Social in the Asturian town of Pravia, a Catholic weekly created by Maximiliano Arboleya with the aim of fighting socialists and republicans in the region and thus indirectly complementing the diary El Carbayón, also under his control. The battling and ultramontane character traditionally attributed to the weekly contrasts with the most moderate image and far from the most reactionary tendencies of the Catholic Church with which Maximiliano Arboleya has gone down in history. This article aims to draw a preliminary study on the weekly at the typological, formal and content level after a systematic reading and analysis of all its numbers, given the little that has transcended about El Zurriago in historiography so far.


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How to Cite
González, U. J. (2021). El Zurriago Social (1902-1904): a weekly newspaper between traditionalism and the Catholic Church’s social doctrine. Hispania Nova, (19), 106-140. https://doi.org/10.20318/hn.2021.5877