Who needs museums?

Memories, conflicts and identities in a postcolonial world

Keywords: museums, democracy, memory, immigration, postcolonialism


To belong. We all want to belong (or not to belong at all). Inside museums, things are said, but things are also done while speaking: reality is created, ordered, justified and, above all, hierarchised. Despite their apparent loss of power, current museums enjoy a rather healthy position, with strong political and epistemological foundations. But what is the reason for this phenomenon? Why do we all, including minorities and other forms of subalternity, desire to have, create and organise exhibitions? What are the roles of the State and society? Why do so little of us study museums, the very core of how a given society can, chooses and/or wishes to relate to its own past? Why do we believe that we are so pluralistic and democratic, when in reality we are promoting narratives and stories that are anything but inclusive? Just a few questions, a vision, and an invitation.


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How to Cite
Abad García, E. (2023). Who needs museums? : Memories, conflicts and identities in a postcolonial world. Hispania Nova, (1), 127-156. https://doi.org/10.20318/hn.2023.7617