Is it justified the extension of the indefinite non-worker figure to workers of public trading companies done by the Sentence of the Spanish Supreme Court of 18th June 2020 (Appeal number 2811/2018, Labour Chamber)?
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the Sentence of the Spanish Supreme Court of 18th June 2020 (Appeal number 2811/2018, Labour Chamber) in order to criticise the extension of the indefinite non-worker figure to public trading companies. To that end, and after highlighting the interest of the Sentence, we will describe the facts of the dispute, we will describe the conflict, we will delve into the resolution and the legal grounds, we will pay attention to the dissenting vote and, lastly, we will carry out a personal assessment by means of which we will consider some key aspects that would have entailed the non-extension of the indefinite non-worker figure to public trading companies.
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