Working time in platform work: absence of minimum working time, gamification and algorithmic insecurity

Keywords: , platform work, working time, guaranteed minimum working time, algorithmic insecurity


The aim of this paper is to analyze the configuration and determination of the working time in platform work. Platforms work is clearly contributing to job insecurity beyond the classification of platform workers. The unique business model of digital platforms, based on on-demand hiring, has a clear impact on the determination of working time in the platform economy which, as analyzed in this article, translates into precarious employment given the absence of a guaranteed minimum working time and algorithmic insecurity in determining working time.


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How to Cite
Ginès i Fabrellas, A. (2021). Working time in platform work: absence of minimum working time, gamification and algorithmic insecurity. LABOS Revista De Derecho Del Trabajo Y Protección Social, 2(1), 19-42.
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