Permanent-discontinuous contract

extension of cases and improvement of its guarantees

Keywords: labor reform in RDL 32/2021, permanent-discontinuous contract


RDL 32/2021 has expanded the scope of the permanent-discontinuous contract. On the one hand, it has included in it the previous fixed-periodic contracts. On the other hand, it includes other needs that hardly fit in its traditional function, such as those related to outsourcing. This will probably result in a high use of these contracts in the immediate future. As regards changes in the legal regime, although some traditional problems remain open, certain improvements in the protection of workers have been detected. However, it will be up to collective bargaining to complete the process.


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How to Cite
Goerlich Peset, J. M. (2022). Permanent-discontinuous contract: extension of cases and improvement of its guarantees. LABOS Revista De Derecho Del Trabajo Y Protección Social, 3, 58-72.
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