Equality plans in Public Administrations

  • Remedios Roqueta Buj Universidad de Valencia
Keywords: Equality plans, public administrations, principles of equality and non-discri¬mination based on sex, positive action measures, women


Public Administrations are obliged to respect equal treatment and opportuni­ties in the field of public employment and, for this purpose, they must prepare and apply an equality plan regardless of the size of their workforce. The most outstanding features of the regulations applicable to equality plans in Public Administrations are their summariness and ambiguity, so that there are many extremes that remain in the black or, at least, in the shadows, which forces their interpreter to carry out a complicated work of integration of gaps. This study is situated in this context, in which it is intended to clarify the regime applicable to equality plans in the field of public employment.


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How to Cite
Roqueta Buj, R. (2023). Equality plans in Public Administrations. LABOS Revista De Derecho Del Trabajo Y Protección Social, 4(2), 23-51. https://doi.org/10.20318/labos.2023.7939
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