About the Journal

1. Focus and Scope
2. Revision Policy
3. Use of plagiarism control
4. Statement of ethics and good practices
5. Journal indexing
6. Open access and copyright policy

  • Focus and scope

The REIB has a bi-annual frequency and publishes articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English that address current and historical issues related to the Ibero-American, American and Latin American spheres. All this elaborated under rigorous academic criteria. The journal will be able to carry out extraordinary monographic issues based on topics of great interest and tributes to personalities who have stood out for their contribution in the Ibero-American sphere.

Thematic affiliation: Public International Law and International Relations, Economics, Humanities, Philosophy, History, Social Sciences

Revision Policy

1. The dates of receipt of the proposals for articles and reviews will be:
* May 1 for the publication of the first semester of each year;
* November 1 for the publication of the second semester of each year.

The estimated time between receipt of the items and their acceptance is 30 days. The articles are the responsibility of the authors and in no case commit the REIB. The REIB reserves the right to revision and correction as necessary in accordance with its publication regulations. All articles will be formally reviewed and corrected, if applicable, by the Editorial Board under the review criteria set by the REIB. Only those articles that, being unpublished, meet the requirements set by the REIB, once they have been evaluated and supervised by the Journal’s Management, will be published. In any case, the novelty and originality of the arguments, the impact of the subject on Ibero-American relations, as well as the relevance of the subject and the scientific quality will be taken into account.

2. The external evaluation of the article proposals received is supervised by the REIB Management and is carried out by experts from the list of evaluators. The articles received will be subjected to a blind peer review process that guarantees the quality and rigor of the publication. The anonymity of the author and the evaluator is guaranteed. The evaluators prepare a report in which they can advise: a) publish the work; b) publish the work with modifications; c) reject its publication. If two evaluators do not agree on the result, a third evaluator will be appointed.

Papers submitted for publication must be original and must not be submitted for consideration by other journals. The originals will not be returned to the authors.

  • Use of plagiarism control

The works that are presented to the Journal will be subjected to an anti-plagiarism control with the Feedback studio application to ensure their correct publication in accordance with the academic and copyright standards.

When irregularities related to plagiarism are detected in a work, the work is not published in the Journal. The Journal Management will ensure the absence of plagiarism before publication and after the article has been published.

Interested persons who have noticed any irregularity or plagiarism in a published article can provide information in this regard to the Journal’s email address. The people involved may allege whatever they deem appropriate before the final decision of the Journal Management.

The editorial team provides, when necessary, confidential expert advice to determine the probative material that has been provided.

The editorial team, with a maximum commitment to guaranteeing ethics in the publication, reserves the right to severely apply the sanctions it deems appropriate when this type of conduct is present, such as the withdrawal of the publication or the refusal to accept presentations from the authors or co-authors in the future who have incurred in this type of conduct. The publication of editorials is also expected to explain the actions taken by the editorial team in the face of this type of behavior or the communication to the institutions that finance the publication.


  • Journal indexing

ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences) .Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); Latindex Catálogo V1.0 y V.2.0 (Sistema Regional de Información en línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal); Dialnet; ÍnDICEs-CSIC (Información y Documentación de la Ciencia en España); MIAR (Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas); DICE (Difusión y Calidad Editorial de las Revistas Españolas de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas), EuroPub (Directory of Academic and Scientific Journals); ROAD (Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources); The Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek - Electronic Journals Library; Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias (REBIUN); CIRC (Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas); Google Scholar.

  • Open access and copyright policy

The Journal has an online open access policy once published. It does not imply any cost for the authors or users. Authors retain full copyright and publication rights without restriction. In any case, copyright will be respected in accordance with current legislation.

La Reviste includes the Creative Commons 4.0 license: Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) in its works.