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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text satisfies the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors


1.The articles submitted must be unpublished and may not be published at the same time in any other journal.

2.Length should not exceed 25 pages DIN-A4, using one-and-a-half line spacing (1.5) and written as a Word file.

- The article must be preceded by a title, abstract and keywords in Spanish (or the original language) and in English. In addition, the author must indicate, below the name, their email address and ORCID.

3.Footnotes must be sequential and listed at the end of the article.

4. Articles must include images with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Illustrations should be numbered consecutively according to their order in the text, and the exact placement of each image must be clearly indicated within the manuscript. Additionally, the images should be submitted as separate files, following their respective numbering, along with a document containing the corresponding captions.

5.The font chosen for the text should be «Times New Roman» 12-point type size, using one-and-a-half line spacing (1.5). For footnotes a 10-point type size should be used.

6.Italics should be reserved for titles of works and words in a different language from that in which the article is written.

7.Angled quotation marks («…») should be used to set off speech, a quotation, or a phrase. Double quotation marks (“…”) should be used for quotations within quotes.

8.E.g.: «We ordered the Egyptians to roam around our kingdoms and manors “with their wives and children” that the day this law...».

9. As a good editorial practice in gender equality, the full names (name and surname) of the authors should be mentioned in the bibliography. In addition, those who submit a manuscript must ensure that they use inclusive and non-sexist language in their articles. For more information, we recommend consulting the Non-sexist Communication Guide. Madrid, Aguilar, 2011 (new edition 2021), edited by the Cervantes Institute, as well as the following document:

The bibliographic references will follow an adapted version of the APA style (see However, in RevHisto, there are important differences to note: the shortened citation includes the abbreviations "p." and "pp." and should not be placed in parentheses within the body of the text but instead appear in footnotes without parentheses. Furthermore, the final references should adhere to gender-sensitive practices by fully developing personal names and respecting the authors’ surnames.

Submissions must be presented in accordance with the appropriate linguistic register of the language employed, including abstracts. Incorrect syntax or orthography may affect the rejection of the article.

Submitting reviews

The Revista de Historiografía commissions renowned specialists to review as many books as it deems appropriate. In no case will reviews that have not been previously approved by the Editorial Board be published. The journal welcomes submissions, which should be sent to the postal address of the Instituto de Historiografía Julio Caro Baroja (Despacho: 14.2.10. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid C/ Madrid 126).  The Revista de Historiografía reserves the right to publish commissioned reviews once they have been received.

The author guidelines for reviews are the same as those for articles, except for length, which must not exceed 3,000 words.

Authors should include a digital image of the book cover and use the following citation style for the header:

Mario Avagliano, Marco Palmieri, Dopoguerra. Gli italiani fra speranze e disillusioni (1945-1947), Bologna, il Mulino, 2019, 496 pp., ISBN 8815283714.



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Names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal shall be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and shall not be made available for any other purpose or other person.