La religiosidad de las mujeres hispanorromanas

  • Mª Pilar Molina Torres Universidad de Córdoba
Keywords: Women, Gender, Historiography, Epigraphy, Hispania


This paper illustrates the different lines of research taken and the state of the art concerning the devotions and religious conduct of Hispano- Roman women. In general, the lines regarding the religiosity of women in Hispania have centered on three different historiographical currents: first, the historiography of gender in the History of Women in Antiquity; secondly, the research into the beliefs of the private devout, which were mainly neglected given the interest they aroused among the municipal aristocrats of Hispania, and finally the numerous bibliographical contributions dedicated to the feminine religious environment in public spaces.


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How to Cite
Molina Torres, M. P. (2018). La religiosidad de las mujeres hispanorromanas. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (28), 167-182.
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