La justicia de la II República española en guerra. Una aproximación historiográfica

  • Enrique Roldán Cañizares Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: II Republic, civil war, Jury courts, Justice, Coup d’etat, Historiography


The coup d’etat and the subsequent breakout of the Spanish Civil War meant the collapse of the Second Republic’s state structures. The judiciary was affected by the collapse too, and after a pe­riod during which the government was unable to enforce control, a new judicial system was slowly built, a system that was highly characterized by jury courts. Among the historiographical works on justice in the Second Republic in wartime, we can find general works like that of Ángel Viñas, who, besides studying the Spanish civil war from a general point of view, also focuses his work on the judiciary. We can also find specific works, with Glicerio Sánchez and Raúl C. Cancio being good examples. These offer detailed compilations of the laws on Popular Tribunals. Finally, there is historiography on Catalonia and the Basque Country, which, for a variety of reasons, has a special place within the context of the Second Re­public in wartime.


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How to Cite
Roldán Cañizares, E. (2018). La justicia de la II República española en guerra. Una aproximación historiográfica. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (29), 37-54.
Special issue