The journal Razza e civiltà and Antiquity: Romanità through the racial lens

  • Christian Núñez López Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV-EHU)
Keywords: romanità, fascism, Razza e civiltà, nation, foreigners


This article analyses the presence of romanità in the fascist journal Razza e civiltà (Rome, 19401943). This excellent testimony enables us to trace fascist racial ideology applied to antiquity, especially in relation to the periods of the conquest and legal unification of the Italic peninsula and the naturalisation of provincials during the Roman Empire.


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How to Cite
Núñez López, C. (2021). The journal Razza e civiltà and Antiquity: Romanità through the racial lens. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (35), 219-243.
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