An Old Human Need. Temporality and Lifeworld, or why Blumenberg is Good for Koselleck

Keywords: Reinart Koselleck, Hans Blumenberg, philosophical anthropology, Life-World, latency


In this paper I aim, on the one hand, to show the necessity for a further elaboration of Reinhart Koselleck’s thought in light of the works of Sigmund Freud and Hans Blumenberg. Blumenberg’s texts dealing with the notion of Lebenswelt are especially interesting. The aim is to complement Koselleck’s thinking with a large part of Blumenberg’s elements in order to generate a kind of historical geology that would be in a position to effectively stratify historical times. On the other hand, I deal with the ancient human need closely linked to a structure of the Life-World, that is, the need to go beyond the temporality of that world.


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How to Cite
Villacañas, J. L. (2020). An Old Human Need. Temporality and Lifeworld, or why Blumenberg is Good for Koselleck. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (34), 101-119.
II. Historia conceptual: alcance y límites