Paul Gauckler and Research on the Religion of Ancient Tunisia

  • Hamden Ben Romdhane Institut National du Patrimoine de Tunis
Keywords: paganism, christianity, antiquities department, inventory, excavations, classification


A pioneer in archaeological research, P. Gauckler initiated the first major inventory and research projects which marked the transition from the quest for art objects to rigorous scientific documentation. His project on historical monuments, and in particular the volumen published on “pagan” temples, evidences this awareness. His personal studies on churches, culminating in a posthumous publication, marked the climax of a brilliant career as an archaeologist who laid the true foundations of the Department of Antiquities and Arts in Tunisia.


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How to Cite
Ben Romdhane, H. (2021). Paul Gauckler and Research on the Religion of Ancient Tunisia. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (36), 247-263.