“Small Worlds” but Diverse. Exploring Internal Differentiation in Early Medieval Local Communities

From Status and Wealth to Gender and Intersectionality

Keywords: peasantry, local communities, women's and gender history, intersectionality, social diversity


Studies on the medieval peasantry and local communities have experienced a process of renewal in recent decades due to a historiographical rethinking and the development of new methodologies. This new approach has led to the opening of new lines of research that focus on issues like the social diversity of these communities and which are related to new historiographic sensibilities, such as Cultural History and its derivations. Through this paper we intend to carry out a review of the state of this field and discuss the problems, challenges and opportunities posed by addressing this issue from a gender and intersectional approach. To do this, we will also rely on a comparative and microhistorical approach taking into account the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula and the south of Scandinavia in the early medieval period, thus making visible one of the most fruitful methodologies in current studies on local communities in the Middle Ages.


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How to Cite
Carballido González, E. (2024). “Small Worlds” but Diverse. Exploring Internal Differentiation in Early Medieval Local Communities: From Status and Wealth to Gender and Intersectionality. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (39), 543-570. https://doi.org/10.20318/revhisto.2024.8179
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