Perspectives of gender violence in the age of Neoconstitutional Theory as the new paradigm of the International Law of Human Rights

  • María Belén Redondo Universidad Nacional de Rosario y Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina
Keywords: violence, gender, human rights, neoconstitutionalism, States


The changes in the new conception of the Democratic State of Law that arise from the awareness of the existence of certain rights that are considered fundamental by the international community, have a direct influence on the design of public policies, the creation of legal norms and how to solve judicial cases. This is how the Neoconstitutional Theory is presented as a new theory of law that allows integrating rights with their respective guarantees, and that deals with both the norms and the principles and values of Human Rights and their internalization in the legal systems. of the States, that is, deals with the phenomenon of globalization of these rights. Within the fundamental rights we find those that women possess in what concerns to live a life free of all violence in which their dignity and autonomy of the will is respected, in addition to that the indices of violence against them increase every day in all the countries of the world. In this way, the States must comply with the measures of positive actions tending to guarantee the effective enjoyment of the rights recognized by the International Covenants on Human Rights.


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How to Cite
Redondo, M. B. (2018). Perspectives of gender violence in the age of Neoconstitutional Theory as the new paradigm of the International Law of Human Rights. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (28), 38-58.