Philosophy of international law, violence and hegemonic masculinity

  • Jose Antonio García Sáez Universitat de Valencia
Keywords: philosophy of international law, masculinity studies, violence, international relations, legal pacifism


Violence is often seen as an inherent element in the international arena: something that international law can perhaps reduce but not eliminate completely. This work echoes feminist critiques of international law by putting them in relation to the concepts elaborated by studies on masculinities. That international law is a discipline historically handled by men finds its projection on five areas: 1) the concept of state as the main actor of international law, 2) the system of sources, in particular, international treaties; 3) the application of international standards through courts or arbitration panels; 4) the importance of war and 5) the doctrine of the responsibility to protect.


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How to Cite
García Sáez, J. A. (2019). Philosophy of international law, violence and hegemonic masculinity. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (30), 65-87.