Freedom of speech in peril, the Twenty-First Century panopticon. Big Data as a threat to democracy: about the Cambridge Analytica Case

  • Andrés Fernando Mejía Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina seccional Pereira
Keywords: , free of speech, big data, content personalization, psychographics, predictive analysis, behavioral science, Cambridge Analytica


The article argues that freedom of speech is violated differently from traditional scenarios due to the use of Big Data and other technologies such as predictive data analysis and content personalization. This violation is different from usual ones since there is no impossibility or limitation to express what is wanted spontaneously, but rather, freedom of expression is restricted ex ante through the generation of circumstances in which what is expressed is previously given through appropriate personalized information according to the profile of the person who talks. In order to present this thesis, a frame of reference is made in which this phenomenon is contextualized. In the end a proposal is made to reduce or eliminate this violation of freedom of expression.


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How to Cite
Mejía, A. F. (2020). Freedom of speech in peril, the Twenty-First Century panopticon. Big Data as a threat to democracy: about the Cambridge Analytica Case. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (32), 79-105.