Femicides in Latin America and the Caribbean. Possible responses from women’s organisations to fill institutional gaps

  • Eugenia D’Angelo Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: femicide, Latin America, data, gende, pandemic


Latin America is one of the most insecure territories in the world to be a woman, with femicide/femicide being the most dramatic expression of violence endured by them. In spite of this, the Latin American and Caribbean States do not generate up-to-date, intersectional or freely accessible information on these crimes, preventing understanding of the complexity of scenarios and hindering the development of effective public policies, efficient and sustainable over time to respond to this scourge.


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How to Cite
D’Angelo, E. (2021). Femicides in Latin America and the Caribbean. Possible responses from women’s organisations to fill institutional gaps. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (38), 23-48. https://doi.org/10.20318/universitas.2022.6577