Sex work and the COVID-19 pandemic

precarious and resistant

  • Pilar Albertín Carbó Universidad de Girona
  • Pakita V. Cortés Nicolás Universidad de Girona
Keywords: sex workers, pandemic, mobility, precariousness, activism


Sex work during the COVID-19 pandemic has suffered an impact in terms of the precariousness of the lives of the women who exercise it. Both the vacuum of social and state recognition, as well as the lack of redistribution of resources have been the recurring elements. Both dimensions have accentuated the stigmatization of the group, which oscillates between victimization and criminalization. Despite this, practices of mobility, solidarity and alliances have also emerged that allow them to destabilize the dominant representations that pigeonhole them in stereotyped patterns.


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How to Cite
Albertín Carbó, P., & Cortés Nicolás, P. V. (2021). Sex work and the COVID-19 pandemic: precarious and resistant. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (38), 49-73.