Inequalities and discrimination against migrant sex workers

  • Tamara González Fernández Universidad de Barcelona
Keywords: migration project, prostitution, sexual exploitation, sex work


Being a migrant in an irregular administrative situation implies not being considered a citizen, not having the right to have rights. If you are also engaged in some form of informal economy through an unrecognized activity, you cannot access citizenship through work either. This is the reality of migrant sex workers in Spain who suffer multiple discriminations derived from the abolitionist interventionist policies and the European migration policy. From the feminist epistemology and the perspective of human rights, this work includes an approach to the legal status of these women from their experiences and their claims.


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How to Cite
González Fernández , T. (2021). Inequalities and discrimination against migrant sex workers. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (38), 74-97.