The political representation of women in Chile

from the right to suffrage to gender parity

  • Daniela Benavente Aliaga
  • Denisse Espinace Olguín
  • Jaime Rojas Castillo
Keywords: political participation, right to vote, quota law, parity law, National Congress of Chile


This paper analyzes the main arguments sustained in the discussion of Chilean laws that have recognized the political participation of women and shows the historical barriers they have experienced to achieve greater representation in the instances of power as a consequence of the socially assigned roles. The analysis includes the draft laws on municipalities of 1933, the right to vote in the parliamentary and presidential elections of 1949, the Quota Law of 2015, and that of gender parity in the presentation of candidacies and integration of the Constitutional Convention of 2020.


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How to Cite
Benavente Aliaga, D., Espinace Olguín, D., & Rojas Castillo, J. (2021). The political representation of women in Chile: from the right to suffrage to gender parity. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (38), 218-248.