The revolution of black umbrellas and red lightning bolts in Poland (2016-2020). The strong social reaction provoked by the reproductive rights crisis in a democratic State

  • Alicja Serafin Women’s Rights Centre Poland
Keywords: Black protest, Reproductive rights in Poland, Abortion, Social revolution, Reproductive discrimination


The article will focus on the question of the current status of women's reproductive rights in Poland. The author will try to determine what kind of legal and political changes related to women's reproductive health in Poland provoked such a strong reaction from Polish society and how this general strike became a social and cultural revolution very often called by the international press «the revolution of the black umbrellas and the red lightning bolts». At the same time, the relationship between the protests against the abortion ban and the sad sunset of democracy in Poland will be emphasized.


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How to Cite
Serafin, A. (2022). The revolution of black umbrellas and red lightning bolts in Poland (2016-2020). The strong social reaction provoked by the reproductive rights crisis in a democratic State. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (41), 120-149.
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