Incorporation of the ethno-racial approach in the legal and political treatment of climate migrations

  • Ángela Patricia San Martín Gómez
Keywords: ethnic-racial approach, climate migrations, afro-descendants, indigenous and/or indigenous peoples, public policies


This article makes a critical analysis of the responses that have been structured at the legal and political levels to address climate migration. It highlights the need to incorporate the ethnic-racial approach in addressing this phenomenon due to its differential impact on the rights of Afro-descendants and indigenous people, especially concerning territory and collective property. It also examines the underlying structural causes and uses this study as a basis for establishing parameters that can be taken into account in the construction of future international policies.


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How to Cite
San Martín Gómez, Ángela P. (2023). Incorporation of the ethno-racial approach in the legal and political treatment of climate migrations. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (42), 75-108.