The process of memory, truth and justice in Argentina as an ecology of knowledge

  • Fausto Marchiaro Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: memory, truth, justice, ecology of knowledge, Argentina, human rights organizations, hegemony


The article at stake proposes to analyze the historical process of construction of memory, truth and justice in Argentina through Boaventura de Sousa Santos notion of ecology of knowledge. Through a chronological study in which the author highlights the different forms of activism, strategies and slogans developed by the human rights organizations along the distinct vicissitudes of national history (from 1976 to 2023), it emphasizes the epistemic and emancipator dimension of the resistances faced by the organizations. Lastly, it reflects about the potentialities of a counter-hegemony use of memory in the context of the Global South.


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How to Cite
Marchiaro, F. (2024). The process of memory, truth and justice in Argentina as an ecology of knowledge. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (43), 2-16.