The role of women and their organizations as peacebuilders and as human rights defenders through esthetics, artistic and experiential initiatives in Colombia
This article analyzes the key role of women and their organizations as peacebuilders and human rights defenders in the context of armed violence in Colombia, highlighting the use of aesthetic, artistic and experiential practices (PEAV) as part of their work strategy and as effective tools for peacebuilding, women's empowerment and the defense of human rights. Drawing on feminist literature and research on women's participation in peacebuilding processes, this study aims to highlight the use of PEAVs as effective strategies for historical memory, promoting reconciliation, culture of peace and fostering women's empowerment in Colombia. Using a multidisciplinary approach, this research examines the praxis around the use of these strategies, their presence and diversity among the main feminist and women's organizations at the national level that use them for peacebuilding and empowerment.
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